The model was developed by the Swedish psychologist, Claes Janssen, in the late 60s and early 70s as part of his groundbreaking research on the dynamics of change.

The four rooms - or psychological states of mind - are Contentment, Self-Censorship & Denial, Confusion & Conflict and Inspiration & Renewal.

From theory to toolkit

When Claes Janssen realised the potential value for organisations, he proceeded to develop the Four Rooms of Change tool kit. The three main components are the initial half day Introduction, followed by a full day Organisational Barometer, and with optional further modules like the half-day Personal Dialectics.

Key benefits

  • Validated instruments providing insight and metrics at group and individual level
  • Shared understanding of how change affects all of us - in very different ways
  • Defuses the good/bad dynamic regarding change that most organisations suffer from
  • Helps all levels understand and take action to increase contentment, inspiration and renewal