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Certified Conscious Coach, presenter of leadership and personal development workshops with CLC, well versed in The Journey Work, Certified in Perception Control Theory, Grief and Recovery Specialist, Life Skills Coach and program presenter with Red Echo Associates, Certified in Critical Incident Stress Management to communities in both group and one on one setting. Trained in social collaboration processes such as World Café and Open Space Technology. Currently practicing the New Conscious Systems principals in indigenous organizations and communities while working towards a resurgence of conscious sustainable systems.
From recognizing social issues within my community as result of genocide, colonization, and systemic oppression, I sought out to learn and experience methods and processes that can assist in a cause for social transformation in an indigenous context. The depth of my experiences derives from 11+ years in facilitating programs for children and youth both in schools and education systems, working in crisis response with communities and families, running workshops and delivering keynote talks for various types conferences, as well as holding interactive seminars for business, organizations and communities.
I’ve also been active in addressing social injustices towards Indigenous peoples both politically and systemically. I am currently an elected councilor for Poundmaker Cree Nation, Treaty Six Territory.
My passion is holding space for peoples who have a prayer and drive for freedom. I love working with children, youth, and parents. Dancing, connecting to the land at home, paintballing, and the world rally championships are my alternative passions aside from serving humanity. I love Consciousness.
City: Poundmaker Cree Nation (Saskatchewan)
Country: Treaty Six / Canada
Languages: English
Profession: Facilitator for Social Transformation, consultant, youth worker, workshop presenter, keynote speaker, Life Coach
Skype: Colby22sis
Mobile: +1-306-398-7509